About us

Background Information

Municipalities are established under the urban Areas and Cities Act of 2011 and subsequent amendments to the Urban Areas and cities Act (amendments 2015&2019).The amendments to the Act created Municipalities in all towns that host County Headquarters upon conferment by H.E Governor and approval by respective County Assemblies. Nyamira town is currently the county headquarters and therefore qualified to be upgraded to municipality status for better infrastructure and service delivery to citizenry. 

Article 184 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 also provides for the governance and management of urban areas and cities in the country. This is affected through the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 which clearly defines various classes of urban areas and the nature and function of urban management structures. Other supportive legislations and policies include the County Government Act 2012 and the Physical Planning Act cap 286 of Kenya which is under review.

Currently Nyamira as a Municipality has an approved municipal charter that is approved and gazetted as attached in this website.

It is headed by a municipal manager appointed as per the Urban Areas and Cities Act 2011, (Amended 2019) and has 9 board members as per the specifications in the UACA 2011.

The municipality also qualified for a World Bank grant of Ksh,114,705,300 towards infrastructure development andKsh,41,200,000 for institutional capacity programmes.

Background Information
Strategic objectives

=> Infrastructure and affordable housing development to spur
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A habitable, safe and vibrant municipality

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To provide and promote sustainable livelihoods through adequate
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About Nyamira Municipality

Municipality of Nyamira came into existence by the
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